What is Idiosyncratic Thoughts
Idiosyncratic also means unique or peculiar. Idiosyncratic Thoughts is here to share such unique or peculiar knowledge and lessons through blogs, facts, and stories to engage diversity of readers.
In other words, we can say it means individual, different to normal or expected, something strange or special or you can say quirky. Many people are curious & eager to know such topics or some such idiosyncratic thoughts on common topics.
Mostly we see websites on particular subjects but on this website, you will find many different topics with interesting idiosyncratic thoughts. This website is distinguished from other websites with quirky quality.
Our this website, idiosyncratic thoughts include everything idiosyncratic, quirky, different, special, which you will find very interested.

What You Get
— Motivational Thoughts
Motivation is important in life. To be successful in goals every person needs motivation. Failure & Success are 2 sides of life. Even in failure, person needs the motivation to stand up again in life & try to achieve his goals.
— Spiritual Knowledge
Spiritual Knowledge means the knowledge related to the thoughts & beliefs of people. It may differ from person to person. It includes self-awareness & what is important to us. It brings peace in life & gives strength to struggle in life. By getting such knowledge we can minimize our problems. It is also important for humans to know the value of life & to heal painful wounds.
— Shayaries
Shayari is an Urdu language word. It is made up of one couplet that means “Sher”. Gazal, an Urdu poetry, is a group of such several couplets. Everyone loves to hear some good words related to their mental situation or work or appearance which gives him pleasure. Such words appear in form of Shayari. There are many shayaries on different emotions like sadness, love, anger, occasions & many more.
— General Topics
In General topics you will find all topics other than mentioned here. There are too much topics in our life so it is difficult to mention all here. You will find much & much with more & more interested here.
— Poems
Poem means the words beautifully & carefully arranged in rhyming short lines. The poem gives a useful & positive effect on humans socially & emotionally. It also conveys meaning of feelings for emotions & surroundings. It encourages us & helps in learning. Even a child starts his education through poems, which called nursery rhymes. Poem is an art which always been a part of human life.
— Brain Games
Brain games give exercise to your brain & increase intelligence. Many persons play brain games such as puzzles, riddles, crosswords, etc. to sharpen their memory. But do not make humans smarter but they test & increase their IQ. Improve problem-solving ability, improve concentration & much more positive things. So, in short, it develops the brain.
Impact Stories
An Inspirational Story for Parents.
Once I read a Story. It’s a very nice message for all parents that Motivate their children for the right path, not for their position in society. The right path leads them to the right position in society.
An Inspirational Story for Good Deeds.
Once I read a Story that gives inspiration to why we have to do good deeds. In a simple way very nicely explained. Each & every category people must have to read it once.
Motivational Thoughts