Essence of The Secret

Essence of The Secret

Essence of The Secret – May this blog bring All Positivity in Your Life such as Love, Happiness, Success, Beauty & Much More.

Like Attracts Like

When you listened to a song & then found that You couldn’t get that song out of your head
The song just kept playing over & over in your mind. Knowingly or unknowingly, you are giving focus of thought to it. So, the law of attraction moves into action & delivers more similar thoughts over & over and you are attracting it & it is going to come into action. Just like we see ads according to our interests or profile data on social media like FB & Instagram.
And then Thoughts become Things –
Thoughts are magnetic. They are sent out into the universe &magnetically attract all like things & it returns to you.

In TV each channel has a frequency & what we tune to that frequency, we see the picture on our television we choose the frequency by selecting the channel. If we want to see different pictures on TV, we change the channel & tune in to a new frequency.
Humans are the most powerful transmission tower in the universe which creates their life. The frequency of thoughts you transmit reaches beyond the world/universe. They attract like things on that frequency & they broadcast back to as your life. If you want to change anything in your life change the channel means your thoughts.
People are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want. Observe your thoughts & words you are saying. Law is absolutely & never mistaking.
Law Of Attraction Is A Law Of Nature.
It does not see good things or bad things, it doesn’t distinguish you want it or don’t want it. It is receiving your thoughts & reflecting on you, as your life experience. When you focus on something (some thought), no matter what it happens to be, in reality, you are calling that into existence.

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