Idiosyncratic Thoughts
We provide you lots of entertainment tagged with knowledge.
What You Get
— Motivational Thoughts
Motivation is important in life. To be successful in goals every person needs motivation. Failure & Success are 2 sides of life. Even in failure, person needs the motivation to stand up again in life & try to achieve his goals.
— Spiritual Knowledge
Spiritual Knowledge means the knowledge related to the thoughts & beliefs of people. It may differ from person to person. It includes self-awareness & what is important to us. It brings peace in life & gives strength to struggle in life. By getting such knowledge we can minimize our problems. It is also important for humans to know the value of life & to heal painful wounds.
— Shayaries
Shayari is an Urdu language word. It is made up of one couplet that means “Sher”. Gazal, an Urdu poetry, is a group of such several couplets. Everyone loves to hear some good words related to their mental situation or work or appearance which gives him pleasure. Such words appear in form of Shayari. There are many shayaries on different emotions like sadness, love, anger, occasions & many more.
— General Topics
In General topics you will find all topics other than mentioned here. There are too much topics in our life so it is difficult to mention all here. You will find much & much with more & more interested here.
— Poems
Poem means the words beautifully & carefully arranged in rhyming short lines. The poem gives a useful & positive effect on humans socially & emotionally. It also conveys meaning of feelings for emotions & surroundings. It encourages us & helps in learning. Even a child starts his education through poems, which called nursery rhymes. Poem is an art which always been a part of human life.
— Brain Games
Brain games give exercise to your brain & increase intelligence. Many persons play brain games such as puzzles, riddles, crosswords, etc. to sharpen their memory. But do not make humans smarter but they test & increase their IQ. Improve problem-solving ability, improve concentration & much more positive things. So, in short, it develops the brain.
Who We Care For!

A housewife manage her family & home doing all needful for everyday life and so called homemaker also. Homemaking contributed much well-being of the society & so housewife is a backbone of society. Even though their role is important in society, they are always estimated. So here we are to motivate & give entertainment to them.

Children are the future of Society. If they educate & molded properly, they will be shapers of the nation. Keeping in mind the needs of society, we should not make them only professionals but also good human beings. So here is our try to develop their quality & personality by giving them knowledge with entertainment.

Being a parent is a gift of God. Parenting is not easy. To train a child for future challenges by encouraging, supporting, developing mental tasks & become the best teacher throughout life is a challenging job. Being a parent, you must teach your child the moral of life, what is good, bad, right or wrong. Due to lack of warmth & love child feels stress, thus parents’ love and affection help children to feel secure & build confidence. So, trained them with a positive attitude.

Youth is the wealth of the nation. They have an important role in society’s progress. Youth care & development are necessary as they are long term investment process. To face internal & external challenges, to face difficult tasks, to refresh the current status of society, to have & achieve high ambitions, motivation & right training is necessary for youth.

Business People
No doubt Business People are skillful & try to face challenges. But business people too need motivation as they do not solve all social problems. Many famous business persons become a motivation for others. Here we are to motivate those business people who need it through the quotes or stories of some successful & failed business persons. As with success, failures also teach many lessons of life.

Love of devotees for God or Love from God for his devotees. It’s an amazing feeling & experience. Here we are with such many articles on it. You will find many spiritual stories, quotes, messages, poems, songs, shlokas & much more with inspiration to move towards his spiritual path.