Self Love Self Respect

Self Love Self Respect

Self Love Self Respect makes you a most better person. The simple logic is if you don’t love & respect yourself then how could others be? If someone disrespects you, first try to convince or explain them but if you didn’t get a positive result then left that place & move on, is the best decision. In simple words, Self Love & Self Respect is a must to live life happily.

Take chances… Tell the truth… Learn to say NO…Spend money on the things You love… Laugh till your stomach hurts… Dance Even if you are too bad at it… Pose stupidly for photos…Be child-like…..
Moral: Death is not the biggest loss in life but when life dies inside you while you are alive, then there is the biggest loss.
Celebrate this event called Life.

In your sky, you are the brightest star.
Without your light, it’s dark like tar.
So Love Yourself To Illuminate Others.

Like trees, we too can shake off our dead leaves and begin to grow again.

Everyone wants to be someone’s sun to light up someone’s life,
But why not be someone’s moon to brighten in the darkest hour.
[I Love to be Moon in compare to Sun in Someone’s Life
To Shine his/her Night & To Motivate him/her to Love It]

Accept Criticism [आलोचना / ટીકા] & Grow Self!
More The Criticism More Your Growth!
So, Love Criticism!

को गौर से देखो, वो खुद कहता है..
I m possible
बस देखने का
नजरिया बदल दो और नामुमकिन
को मुमकिन करो..!!
Look closely, Itself says …
I’m possible
Just change the perspective and
Make impossible to possible .. !!]

Be Silly. Be Different. Be Fun. Be Crazy. Be You.
Because life is too short to be anything but Happy. [मूर्ख बनो। अलग बनो। आनंदी बनो। दीवाने बनो। तुम बनो। क्योंकि जीवन बहोत छोटा है कुछ भी बनने के लिए पर हैप्पी, खुश है।]

Avoiding certain people to protect your emotional health is not a weakness, its wisdom.

Be careful what you tolerate, you are teaching people how to treat you. Never tolerate anything. If anyone doesn’t understand your side, leave it.

Toxic people never feel any guilt in what they do to you. So dear don’t you dare feel one second of guilt for removing them from your life. Peace of mind is very necessary to live a healthy life.

End the relationship and cry once. Believe me, it is better than being with them and crying daily. Self love is very necessary for a happy life.

Wherever is your value, go there. Only those who listen, explain to them. Tell only those who believe in the truth. Difficulties come in life, face them firmly. Who be with you in every situation, make him/her a friend. Keep in life only those relationships which are faithful. Loves all but love yourself first.

जहॉं कद्र हो, वहीं जाना। जो सुनता हो, उसे ही समझाना। जो सत्य पर विश्वास रखे, उसे ही बताना। जीवन में तकलीफें आएं, डटकर सामनां करना। हर परीस्थिती में साथ नीभायें, उसे ही दोस्त बनाना। जो रिश्ते वफ़ादारी निभाएँ, उन्हेंही जीवन में रखना।सबसे प्यार करो पर पहले खुदसे प्यार करना।

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